Are You Looking To
Add a new perspective within
your profession?
Elevate & evolve your energy to create inspirational, transformational experiences?
Does this sound familiar?
Feel limited in executing the change you'd love to see
Are disempowered by the limitations of the environment you are in
Wish to create a new perspective for your students with deeper meaning
Feel at a crossroads within your life or profession
Know you are influential within your tribe but somehow you know intuitively that something is missing, but you cannot quite put your finger on
Feel lost, scattered and cannot quite link all the pieces together in any meaningful way.
You’ve explored many options
... but still, you feel there is something missing that could propel yourself – or your team – through current the current turmoil, to find a new way of achieving your purpose.
You long to ...
Express your ability to create change and transformation within your professional capacity
Become more effective within your work by finding an extra dimension to share
Help your class grow with depth & wisdom as well as flexibility and strength
Be in the company of like-minded people who strive to live with ethics and vision just like yourself.
Be in a constant flow of inspirational stories & stimulate food for thought in your practitioners
Be confident in developing meaningful spirituality and depth of consciousness within your practitioners
I Hear You
My name is Melanie and so many of my clients experience the same thing and turn to yoga to try and find the missing link.
BUT after hearing their personal story and realising they need something more powerful than a mind-body class; we start on a journey of ‘union’ of the physical body, emotional, intellectual with great focus on spirituality – but not as you know it!!!
This spiritual practice can really make a difference by raising your awareness using real experience, knowledge and wisdom that you already hold.
You Can ...
Illuminate with Confidence
& Creative Energy
This Spiritual Practice is called
The Munay-Ki
Our Testimonials
You might be frustrated or even feel stuck and strive to find a new way to present the secrets of yoga.
Some teachers even go through a period of self doubt, or experience a foggy mind and need to re-ignite their inner light
Others may go through a period of conflict between how their heart wishes to share yoga practices v's expectations and perceived views of what yoga is.
Yet, pressures of the world we live in might seem to present limited solutions in order to survive within this current economy.
So, many people within our profession continue doing what they do, stuck within this dimension until one day something beyond your control happens.
Time stands still.
Your place of practice closes down; your students find new ways to feel good about themselves; your body burns out or you become depleted …
Something Beyond Your Control Brings Your Life As You Are Experiencing It
To A Stop!
What if you had the tools to create the change you wish to see in the world?
to navigate safely, with confidence and design the future you dreamed of?
It is never too late
NOW could be the time to develop A NEW MAP!
Imagine how different your life experience could be ...
If you could
Reconnect With Your Inner Compass to navigate a new direction which offers increasing value to each day
Stand Out in a system with no fear of needing to blend or fit
Create a Path that you could trust and manage according to your own timeline, beliefs, and ethics
Free Your voice & ideas so they are heard.
Introducing The Rites of The Munay-Ki
The Munay-Ki Rites are Rites of Passage which will be delivered as a 4-day masterclass, by which you will receive energetic coding to connect you to the soul energy of the Mother Earth.
By receiving the rites, you will explore aspects of the feminine archetype as represented within nature to enable you to:
create a field of protection for yourself and others
create space to create your future
recognise who you really are and your purpose
re-discover your innate wisdom, higher-self and innate truth
Once received, you will also be able to share the Rites of Passage with others.
By participating you will create and develop a map to help you ...
Build your confidence by enhancing more creativity to help elevate yourself and others
Become centred and dare to explore options which may have possibly felt impossible
Take people on a journey during your presentations or classes (for example) so you can create camaraderie within a group
Be able to create healing from potential conflicting situations so everyone is in a positive flow
Develop a deep sense if inner calmness which is grounded in your personal security when life’s dramas affect you
Find your innate power from negotiating between your fears and your intuitive self
Feel complete as you bring all your knowledge and wisdom together so you be more creative in problem solving
Enjoy a set of practices within your personal development so you can strengthen and expand your connection to your soul and authenticity
Trust your innate wisdom to be your internal compass in navigating the future you dreamed.
In addition this map could ...
Support and revitalise your professional skill set
Help you develop your own workshops or groups
Help you be of greater support to friends, family or in a professional capacity for their higher good
Assist in decision making by consciously inviting the feminine wisdom
Increase creativity at professionally or personally
Sharpen focus and achieve more, quicker
Develop greater inner calmness to feel spacious and light
Develop greater inner calmness to feel spacious and light
How it works
We explore 9 Rites of Passage from the medicine wheel as shared by the Quero Shamens of Peru.
These principles are collectively known as The Munay Ki.
recognises the power of the great unconditional love
reflects the ability to bring us to greater and greater harmony
is the Quechuan word for a powerful, balanced expression love for self and the world in which we live.