Find Your Inner Calm with Mindful Practices
Work towards freedom of movement
Improve mental wellbing and energy flow
Enjoy Better Sleep
Gain More Focus to meet important deadlines
Enjoy more quality time with your family & friends

Gentle Yoga Classes
Our Beginner Friendly Classes provides the time and space
to reduce such symptoms in a safe, supportive way so you remain motivated.

Soul Flow Wednesday
Stimulate your creativity by recharging your energy
Stimulate new ideas with a refreshed mind
Awaken the song of the soul with breath work
Meet like-minded people who enjoy carving a life they dreamed to live
Reacquaint yourself with your hidden gifts
Re-connect with your soul purpose from aligning your body, emotions with your mind
Short Courses
Working through all aspects of the mind and consciousness can help you experience a good nights sleep; pacify worrying nerve impulses and certainly improve mental health. A clear relaxed mind opens up the ability to meet responsibilities without getting involved in the drama.
Delve Deep Meditations & Mindful Journeys
Create and build inner resilience, deep set calmness, clarity of mind to gain a new perspective with our monthly meditation programme.
Replenish & Restore
4 Weeks Yin Yoga
Experience a soothing and calming way to melt tight muscles in the hips, lower back, shoulders
Experience emotional and mental relaxation as the body relaxes
Take these experiences into your everyday life
Release conscious and unconscious thoughts, beliefs and behaviour by simply following a daily pranayama practice. It's a gentle massage for the nervous system - and a tonic for the mind.
Holistic Massage
Link your physical practice with Holistic Massage to release joint pain and start managing a variety of physical and mental health concerns – holistically

Soothe The Mind Through The Body
An Abhayanga oil massage can aide relax the mind and soothe tensions using using heated, medicated oil , perfectly blended according to your constitution when you arrive.

Create Space
In Mind & Body
A muscle melt massage can target specific spots, releasing blockages within the body thus freeing its entanglement with the mind

A Refreshing Relaxation
The depth of relaxation from Reflexology from Joanne, can be as effective as 8 hours sleep. Leave feeling refreshed with a bounce in your step.
Delve Deeply with In-Depth Training
Unite mind bod and spirt with our Pathway to Peacefulness Programme to access the root of discomfort within the body whilst re-connecting with your soul purpose
Pathway to Peacefulness
A comprehensive approach to health and wellbeing which integrates the mind body soul and spirit energetically.
This unique combination creates unity and harmony as the practices are bound according to the forces of nature.
Munay Ki
Create health and wellbeing through ceremony, energy transmission, archetypes and journey. Combined with the Shamanic Map of consciousness for long lasting change