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Yoga Practices

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Traditional approach 

Regain fitness levels after having children or a family


Be resilient  & centered in a dynamic world


Create freedom of general aches and pain


Become 100% present with those you care for the most

Now .. Begins The Practice of  Yoga

Clarity Yoga St Albans

"Stirum Sukham Asanam" 

Seated posture should be steady and comfortable Yoga Sutra

Clarity Yoga St Albans

“Yoga Chitta Vritti Nirodha”

60 minute re-set of the mind. 

Fridays at 12.15pm

"Whether you want to try Yoga for the Body – for strength, flexibility and stamina or Yoga for the Mind – for focus, concentration and calmness, our classes are of such a size that we can offer personalized guidance so you can be assured you are approaching the practices correctly for their greatest benefit"

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