Pranayama Programme
NEW 6 Week Course Starts 3rd March at 8:00pm

remain centered when the world seems crazy
increase vitality
develop mindfulness
be calm, expressive, patient and present with those that matter the most to you
How to feel calm most of the time
Todays' life seems to filled with juggling schedules, excessive travel resulting in lack of time, lack of rest and being low in energy which results in us being low in resilience and a reduced ability to cope. Yet somewhere inside there is often a small voice encouraging us to do something different; to try something different so we can create a different experience but often we do not know what.
One option could be to learn Pranayama - which translates as ' to extend the inner life force'. Or in more practical language - to rebalance, centre and calm the nervous system resulting in the mind and body experiencing the adrenaline frantic stat with a state of calmness. And our course will present you with the foundation to create this new state of feeling in control, being more focusses, feeling like there is more time and of course enjoying being completely present with those around you.
We'll teach you the secret of creating
a state of calmness

Creating a state of calmness is directly linked to how we breath - but the magic is about being aware of how we are breathing at any moment
in time.
Some say the first breath we take at birth kick-starts all the systems in the body: the respiratory, the circulatory, the endocrine system. An erratic breath therefore could lead erratic systems. So perhaps it is worth cultivating awareness of the breath so we can 'manage the breath .... so we can manage the mind'

By Rhythm I mean finding a rhythm through the breath so the rhythm of the heart beat, the rhythm of the respiration, the rhythm of peristalsis, the rhythm of your inner life-force can be stabilised.
On our course we develop a practice of stabilising this rhythm and then expanding the capacity so we feed the vital organs with more than oxygen - with prana.

By tenacity I mean to keep going to build success. The purpose is to re-set the rhythm of the body so the mind and body recognise a state of calmness as being the natural state of being. And this takes practice. The reward .... building a reservoir or resilience to be able to cope in the difficult situations; to remain steadfast when those triggers are pulled, yet in complete control of the emotions with a clear mind to be present and flexible
What You'll Learn
Mindfulness for improved focus
How to expand the capacity of the lungs
Create inner resilience so you become less reactive to emotional triggers
Strengthen your primary respiratory muscles so you can breath deeper
4 breathing techniques to balance the left and right hemisphere of the mind
Techniques to clear the energetic system so the energy flows freely
We'll Provide

You’ll practice in a dedicated space, fully equipped with props to support the body and under floor heating for your comfort
Use of tried and tested traditional approaches which have stood the test of time, and supported by neuro-science
Learn in a small group of no more than 6 people for individual guidance
Receive personalised guidance to help you get the best from your experience
A smaller group makes it easier to ask burning questions so you can practice to the best of your ability
Develop at a pace which suits you
Email support outside of class time
Discounts on massage treatments at the Shala

Why Wait?
Start to feel calmer more often
Improved focus so you can do more in a shorter space of time
Become fully present and confident with those around you
Enjoy better sleep
Start to enjoy better digestion
Express yourself calmly and succinctly in your professional, domestic and social life
Integrate in your physical practice to gain more depth in your yoga class