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Writer's pictureMelanie Ashley

Online Stress Management St Albans, Stress Reduction Courses

Join our 10-day online stress management course with a powerful intention. Reset your inner self using yoga , meditation, & breath work. Contact Us Today

Yoga is said to be as good for the mind and soul as it is for the body. If you’d like to try this out for yourself, look no further. Melanie Ashley is here to help you with her yoga online course from St Albans.

An yoga online course from St Albans should relieve mental, emotional and physical stress, leaving you feeling more relaxed and mentally prepared for whatever life throws at you. Melanie helps you Find Your Flow with a 10 day yoga and course which are designed to begin the process of removing aches and pains from your body while bringing peace and calm to your mind.

Starting Your Yoga Journey Is Easy

The course on yoga and meditation starts by teaching elements of physical flexibility and mental resilience. It is ideal to help those who have become anxious over recent events, especially about those occurrences which they cannot control themselves. The

course includes sections on mindfulness and meditation as well as movement. Yoga techniques can help improve sleep, unwind tenseness or confusion and give you a sense of peace and balance. At the best of times we can all use more relaxation and calm, let’s be honest. Why not try a course designed just for that purpose?

Participants receive daily prompts with a theme. You are encouraged to reflect on your experiences with this course, and keep a record so you can look back on progress. Resilience and relaxation can be learned, although it can be difficult to implement the ideals in the middle of a challenging situation. This course aims to show you how best to do just that, and work out ways to ease racing thoughts and down days.

Suitable For Remote Workers

Yoga meditation courses are ideal for remote workers, as well as anyone who is unable to leave their home easily - perhaps you’re a carer or clinically vulnerable and shielding for your own safety. You can get the most out of the courses without having to leave the house. The discipline of a 10 day course focuses participants’ minds, allowing concentration on your physical, emotional and mental wellbeing for that time. If you suffer social anxiety, this course on yoga and meditation may allow you to address the underlying reasons, making it easier for you to go and enjoy in-person courses and events in the future.

Many people have found the switch from face-to-face working to remote working has been a challenge. If you’re one of those who is suffering because you don’t walk as much as you used to, or you find you’re staring at the screen more than looking at other people in person, then a body stress release course from Mel could be a good way to refocus your mind and realign your body. The 10 day yoga and relaxation courses Melanie offers simply requires your commitment to improve the quality of your live. All you only have to sign up. She’ll then send you all the details you need.

Yoga Is Known To Be Good For You

Just about everyone knows someone who practices yoga, or incorporates some elements of yoga into their daily routine. Whether it's someone who swears by stretching on waking, performs gentle exercises in the shower, always stands up and moves around every hour, has an ability to banish negative feelings or actually gets out a mat and consciously performs yoga poses, if you ask around your friends, online circle or colleagues, chances are you’ll hear positive things about yoga.

So many people find the basic ideas of yoga are beneficial.

When combined with relaxation, a meditation and yoga course for anxiety can provide the mental and physical lift you need. Gentle or restorative yoga is recommended as a way to deal with many health and medical issues including arthritis, cancer, menopause, period pain, pregnancy, depression and anxiety. This course offers gentle movement to ease tension, peaceful meditation to calm thoughts and active mindfulness techniques to bring acceptance, all of which lead to a more relaxed outlook, better sleep and confidence in being able to face whatever life brings.

All Ages & Abilities ... Welcome

Mel takes students of all levels on her courses. The best thing about yoga online courses in St Albans is that you can be in your own home, everyone else is in theirs, and you’re all concentrating on what you’re doing. Of course there will be the now-traditional video bombing from pets and children, but the element of competition which sometimes pervades in-person gym classes won’t be there. You could even turn

off your camera and audio, so that you can focus on what Mel is saying so you connect even more deeply within your body. If you’re battling anxiety, that’s the very last thing you need, after all.

Yoga is a great way to zap those general aches and pains, unkink knotted muscles and find a positive vibe for a meeting you’d rather avoid. Because the holistic approach relaxes you, you may then find you sleep better and so have more energy. Half of the battle is to establish a routine, which these 10 day yoga and meditation courses certainly do. Melanie offers personal guidance with a set schedule and daily themes to set you on the road to feeling better inside and out.

Twenty Years of Training

Mel is a senior yoga teacher and mentor who has continuously trained and honed her skills and knowledge in Europe, India, Thailand and Peru throughout the last two decades. She aims to help you see life differently and in a more relaxed fashion. She encourages you to see the connection between creativity, imagination and deep relaxation as well as the benefits of movement. No matter your current mental or physical state, she offers a pathway to peacefulness and empowerment through this body stress release course.

She will also mentor and trains novice yoga teachers plus assisting with choreography and class creation if needed. That’s the depth of knowledge you get after more than twenty years of study. It has been said that Melanie knows the biomechanics of every asana (yoga pose) and pranayama (breath regulation) to ensure you make the most of each one. That’s surely the kind of help you need if you’ve spent the last two years knitting yourself into knots over work, home life, life changes, health challenges and even losses.

Melanie is based in St Albans, but because her yoga meditation courses are offered via Zoom, you could be anywhere in the country and still benefit from her knowledge and experience.

With your best interest at heart,

# yoga #meditation #pranayama #online


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To explore how spiritual practices could help contact Melanie Ashley via


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